On Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:36:07 -0000, Stanislav Blinov <stanislav.bli...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Friday, 24 January 2014 at 08:21:12 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2014-01-23 21:53, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I would expect "contains" to take a element and check if it exists in the range.

I think "canFind" is just a weird name.

I agree on the latter point. As for "contains"... Well, if we address the terminology, we should consider that ranges are not really containers, therefore "contains" would be slightly incorrect. Perhaps "encounters" or "isWithin"? :)

This is the complete opposite of the point I was trying to make :p

I don't want a generic name/function, or a range specific name/function we already have the generic one, and probably a range one, I want a string specific one - in this particular example - with a name people will expect to find (pun intended) when doing string manipulation.

On a serious note though, "contains" is leagues ahead of "canFind".

I think it depends on the context.


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