On Sunday, 2 February 2014 at 16:55:35 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I think of the following foci for the first half of 2014:

1. Add @nullable and provide a -nullable compiler flag to verify it. The attribute is inferred locally and for white-box functions (lambdas, templates), and required as annotation otherwise. References not annotated with @nullable are statically enforced to never be null.

2. Work on Phobos to see what can be done about avoiding unnecessary allocation. Most likely we'll need to also add a @nogc flag.

3. Work on adding tracing capabilities to allocators and see how to integrate them with the language and Phobos.

4. Work on the core language and druntime to see how to seamlessly accommodate alternate GC mechanisms such as reference counting.


This is an excellent direction to take the language in the near-term. It seems that some who would like to use D are afraid of the GC. Others have legitimate use-cases where the effort of manually managing memory is warranted, such as a memory-constrained environment. Being able to accommodate both, provide an integrated approach to allocation, and allow for ref-counting as a viable alternative to GC is a home run. Also will be nice to see Phobos memory usage trimmed down. I feel that these items mentioned above combined will put D into a niche that other languages will find it difficult to compete with: end-to-end fine-grained memory control. Nice!

Just my 10 cents.


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