Jesse Phillips, el 25 de julio a las 03:38 me escribiste:
> > But you should support multple assignment, for example. If you don't,
> > you don't have real tuple support, just a toy tuple emulation.
> Tuples have nothing to do with multiple assignment, it is just something 
> languages tend to provide.

It has, providing tuples without that generally doesn't need language
support, like D or C++ tuples. When you have multiple assignment, you can
fully use the power of tuples, if not, it's just syntax sugar for structs,
or some kind of limited list.

Tuples are much more useful when are a *language construct*.

Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo:
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Dale tu mano al mono, pero no el codo, dado que un mono confianzudo es
        -- Ricardo Vaporeso. La Reja, Agosto de 1912.

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