On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 04:46:34 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
It is safe if you can guarantee the input is ultimately mutable. But there is no way to enforce such a guarantee. It is on the caller to make sure that is true.

I don't see why inout should be identified as any different from const in this respect. You could just as easily say the same thing about const.


Which is what I said in an earlier post. Wouldn't you be able to do this with a template somehow?

template LogicalConst(T)
if (isMutable!T)
    alias LogicalConst = inout(T);

void bumpWithConstArg(T)(ref LogicalConst!T t)
    //Compiler error if you try to modify t
    //t += 1;

    //Fine, cast it to mutable then modify
    //Nothing unsafe here because we verified t is mutable
    cast(T)t += 1;

void main()
    immutable n = 0;
    //No IFTI match because n is immutable

    auto m = 0;
    //Okay, m is mutable

This doesn't actually work, but this is just off the top of my head.

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