Wow, that's unexpected :)

Unfortunately, there's no standard module for processing gzip/bz2. The
former can be dealt with using etc.c.zlib, but there's no convenient
interface for working with file as a stream. Thus, the easiest way that I
know of is as follows:

import std.stdio, std.process;
auto pipe = pipeShell("gunzip -c " ~ filename); // replace with pigz if you
File input = pipe.stdout;

Regarding your second request, this forum is not an appropriate place to
provide usage examples for a library, so that will go into a private e-mail.

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Kamil Slowikowski

> I have a second request. I would like to start using D more in my work,
> and in particular I would like to use and extend the BioD library. Artem
> Tarasov made a nice module to handle BGZF, and I would like to see an
> example like my Python code above using Artem's module.

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