On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at 16:27:32 UTC, Artem Tarasov wrote:
the easiest way that I
know of is as follows:

import std.stdio, std.process;
auto pipe = pipeShell("gunzip -c " ~ filename); // replace with pigz if you
File input = pipe.stdout;

Artem, thank you! I've used a similar trick in the past with Python because calling the system's gzip or pigz in a subprocess.Pipe is faster than using the python gzip module. I'm very glad to see how easy it is in D.

Regarding your second request, this forum is not an appropriate place to provide usage examples for a library, so that will go into a private e-mail.

Thanks, again! I'm looking forward to hearing from you :)

@Adam D. Ruppe
Thanks for your example! I couldn't find such an example anywhere on the web.

@Craig Dillabaugh
Please feel free to move the thread, sorry for posting in the wrong place.

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