Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
 Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 2:28 PM, Arthur Lloyd<v...@google.com> wrote:
Daniel Keep Wrote:

U comma(T,U)(T a, U b) { return b; }

Is there any reason you couldn't use something like that?
Sorry, this is probably a newbie question, but.. So instead of return a, b, c; 
you now have to write return comma(a, comma(b, c)); ? How will that help?

typeof(T[$ - 1]) comma(T...)(T args) { return args[$ - 1]; }

There.  Now you can do "comma(a, b, c)".

Still won't solve the problem Andrei rightly pointed out.  But this will:

T[$-1] comma(T...)(lazy T args) {
    foreach (a; args[0..$-1]) cast(void) a;
    return args[$-1];


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