On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 04:58:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I hear you. Time to put this in a nice but firm manner: your arguments were understood but did not convince.

The problem is that this remark could be made in both directions. I understand some of the motivation for this decision, but the way it's been announced and rationalized is very problematic.

That naturally leads to questions about whether it's the right decision or not, and to be honest, I don't think the follow-ups from you and Walter have adequately addressed those concerns.

Problem 1 -- the announcement as made gives the impression that a known, planned, desirable breaking change with a well-defined deprecation path is to be cancelled because of a client's response to an unplanned and unannounced breakage. You need to make the case for why well-signposted, well-executed deprecation paths are a problem that sits on the same level as the kind of unexpected breakage this client encountered.

Problem 2 -- perhaps there's a broader context that you can't discuss with us because of commercial confidentiality, but the impression given is that this decision has been taken substantially in reaction to one bad client response. This gives the impression of a knee-jerk reaction made under stress rather than a balanced decision-making process. More so because it's not clear if the client would have the same problem with a well-executed deprecation process.

Problem 3 -- I don't think this decision has adequately acknowledged the original rationale for favouring final-by-default. Walter has discussed the speed concern, but that was not the killer argument -- the one which swung the day was the fact that final-by-default makes it easier to avoid making breaking changes in future -- see e.g.:

So, if avoiding breaking change in future is a strong goal, allowing the transition to final-by-default is a clear contribution to that goal.

Finally, I'd say that to my mind, these kinds of announcements-by-fiat that come out of the blue and without warning, while not as bad as unexpected code breakage, are still pretty bad for the D user community. We need to be able to have trust in the firm decisions and understandings reached here in community discussions, that either they will be adhered to or that there will be prior notice and discussion before any counter-decision is finalized. This is as much part of stability and reliability as the code in the compiler and the libraries.

Best wishes,

    -- Joe

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