On 3/14/2014 7:34 AM, Mike Parker wrote:
For me, the issue is that this has to go in *every* module that needs
MeaningfulVersion and OtherMeaningfulVersion to be defined. That's a lot more
points to track than a single line of ORed versions in each module.

When I do need something like this, I just define some manifest constants in a
config module, import that everywhere, and use static if. But that feels very
much like the workaround it is. I would much prefer to have boolean versions.

I know this seems to make perfect sense, and that is how things are done in the C world. I've spent decades doing it that way. I grew to hate it, but had a hard time thinking of a better way, because I was so used to doing it that way.

There's a better way, though. In my posts, I listed a couple ways to avoid having to do this in every module.

BTW, the static if approach was used in druntime, and caused a bug that took me hours to track down. I PR'd that out.

> The bottom line is that I'm doing exactly what Walter apparently doesn't want 
> to do anyway, just with the added annoyance of importing an extra module to 
> it done.

Your code is your business, but while ah gots bref in mah body, that won't be in druntime/phobos :-)

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