On 3/14/14, 8:21, Regan Heath wrote:
On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:22:40 -0000, 1100110 <0b1100...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 3/14/14, 4:58, Regan Heath wrote:

Maintenance is very slightly better too, IMO, because you
add/remove/alter a complete line rather than editing a set of || && etc
which can in some cases be a little confusing.  Basically, the chance of
an error is very slightly lower.

For example, either this:

version(X86) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(X86_64) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(PPC) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(PPC64) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(ARM) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(AArch64) version = MeaningfulVersion

else version (MIPS32)

or this:

version (X86) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (X86_64) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (PPC) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (PPC64) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (ARM) version = MeanigfulVersion
version (AArch64) version = MeaningfulVersion

version (MIPS32) version = OtherMeaningfulVersion

version (MeaningfulVersion)
else version (OtherMeaningfulVersion)


...I can't even begin to describe how much more readable the OR'd
version is.

It's shorter, but shorter does not mean more "readable".. if by readable
you mean include the ability to communicate intent etc.  Add to that,
that readable is just one metric.

Walter's point is that the above pattern is better at communicating
intent, clarifying your logic, and making the resulting version
statements easier to understand (aka "more readable")


That's an awful lot of typo opportunities.... Quick! which one did I change!?

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