Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> I think he just means that the comma operator is not a strategic 
> advantage for automated code generation.

If the comma operator does not offer a strategic advantage, will it be 
deprecated in favor of something that python and ruby do. I've many times 
fallen into a trap when initializing multidim arrays, like:

#  int[][] a;
#  a.length = 3,4;


#  struct coordinates { int x; int y; }
#  coordinates getThem() { coordinates c; c.x = 4; c.y = 5; return c; }
#  auto a = getThem();

seems very verbose when in a scripting language I can do:

#  def getThem() { (4, 5) }
#  a = getThem

Does this work, if the comma builds a tuple instead of a sequence?

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