On 3/17/2014 5:00 PM, Araq wrote:
On Monday, 17 March 2014 at 20:15:52 UTC, Wyatt wrote:

Good. If "not being a jerk" is such an onerous burden, their influence
is almost certain to be harmful to the community in the long-term.

Ah so "being fed up with politicial correctness" is now the same as
"being a jerk". Very well.

very, very true. Politicial correctness has nothing whatsoever to do with politeness.

You wanna know what "political correctness" is about? I swear I'm mot making this up: You're no longer supposed to refer to "Attention Deficit Disorder" as such. Believe it or not, "political correctness" now demands it be called "Attention Deficit *Hyperactivity* Disorder *WITHOUT Hyperactivity*". That's right, "hyperactivity without hyperactivity". Then they play off garbage like that as *somehow* being more friendly and polite, pretend their idiocy is actually being worthwhile instead of dragging us back to the damn puritan era, and then people actually *believe* their bullshit about "political correctness" actually having some connection to ethics.

But of course, ethics isn't something to be questioned, and so by (false) association, people are also scared shitless of questioning political correctness, too.

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