23.03.2014 16:34, Jeroen Bollen пишет:
Are there any tools to do this at all in Digitalmars D? All current
libraries seem to be outdated, but GTKD. GTK on it's end is a pain to
bundle which is enough to not consider it cross platform at all.

First, I don't understand what is the problem with GTK?

Also there is DWT, but I already have spent some time on it and I'd like to suggest to not use it as its sources is a mess.

As for cross-platform GUI app, I'd suggest to use own native GUI library for every platform as it looks like an easiest and the most convenient for the user of your program approach.

The problem is it's too common to connect application login and GUI, so for my personal purposes I created MetaUI [1] which allow such intermediate layer and you only create native GUI elements, place it somewhere and connect with logic elements from MetaUI, see examples. As a native GUI I use GTK (mainly my own fast, correct and very usable bindings [2]) over MetaUI for now, but when I will have more time I will use DGui on Windows just to decrease program installation size. The only problem is a Mac OS X for which I don't know working GUI library (I don't target it for now, GTK may work but with PITA), but with MetaUI it shouldn't be a problem to use some C one as the only thing you need is a way to connect C widgets to D logic controls.

[1] https://bitbucket.org/denis-sh/metaui
[2] https://bitbucket.org/denis-sh/gtkd
[3] https://bitbucket.org/dgui/dgui

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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