24.03.2014 0:03, Jeroen Bollen пишет:
On Sunday, 23 March 2014 at 19:56:47 UTC, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
23.03.2014 16:34, Jeroen Bollen пишет:
Are there any tools to do this at all in Digitalmars D? All current
libraries seem to be outdated, but GTKD. GTK on it's end is a pain to
bundle which is enough to not consider it cross platform at all.

First, I don't understand what is the problem with GTK?


The main problem I have with GTK is that it's a mess to setup on Windows
for the end user.

And you shouldn't ever do it. Just bundle GTK with your program and be happy. Here is what I use (~4 MiB):
(if you are OK with third GTK version)

These files just should be in your target installation directory.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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