On Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:13:34 -0400, Bill Buckels <bbuck...@mts.net> wrote:

The sfloat24 data type is half way between a float and a double in storage size. It offers high precison and speed, but is currently not available as a built-in data type in any compiler that I am aware of.

Adding an aditional built-in datatype to a compiler would be alot of work, but for some folks sfloat24 may provide an advanatage over the cuurently available floating point types currently available.

If anyone is interested or wishes to comment on the efficacy or feasability of slfloat24, please fell free to weigh-in with your thoughts.

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Paper Two:


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D Compiler for .NET — Compiles the code to Common Intermediate Language (CIL) bytecode rather than to machine code. The CIL can then be run via a Common Language Infrastructure (CLR) virtual machine:


All the best,


I think sfloat24 may only be more performant on 16 bit or low cost embedded processors. Currently D does not target these.

I can't see how an emulated floating 24-bit floating point type could out-perform a native floating point type.


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