On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:21:20 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
Having a quick look at Cmsed I must admit I like plain vibe.d much more despite the added features :( Forced module coupling and OO-heavy design is big loss compared to design simplicity and independence of base vibe.d modules.

For example I can't imagine a single case when I'd prefer class-based route definition to stock delegate-based.

The classes are unfortunately just a container for routes. So if you got a better way, that can provide the same functionality, I'd love for a plan on how to do it!

Basically my idea is that you register as little as possible. That was why I went with a class for routes.

I'm really gunning for less, simpler = more. And for medium-large sites thats kinda important.

Why can't stand-alone annotated function be a valid route? Route is pretty much method + url + handler and first two can be inferred by convention in many cases (as done in vibe.web.rest & Co).

Right now your approach actually results in more code than stock vibe.d (stand-alone function + explicit route registration).

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