On 4/30/14, 2:25 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Sure, that helps, but it's trivial to write a unittest block which
depends on a previous unittest block, and as soon as a unittest block
uses an external resource such as a socket or file, then even if a
unittest block doesn't directly depend on the end state of a
previous unittest block, it still depends on external state which could
be affected by other unittest blocks. So, ultimately, the language
really doesn't ensure that running a unittest block can be
parallelized. If it's pure as bearophile suggested, then it can be
done, but as long as a unittest block is impure, then it can rely on
global state - even inadvertently - (be it state directly in the program
or state outside the program) and therefore not work when pararellized.
So, I suppose that you could parallelize unittest blocks if they were
marked as pure (though I'm not sure if that's currently a legal thing
to do), but impure unittest blocks aren't guaranteed to be

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. -- Andrei

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