On 21/05/2014 05:34, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On 21 May 2014 13:45, Temtaime via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
Yes, DMD uses ld on linux. It's OK because there is no other
linker. And it's system's default. Everybody(almost) have GCC.

But on windows.. MSVS is external IDE and toolset. Some people
yes they uses MinGW.
Why ? MSVS has some disadvantages for me for example it's poor
C++11 support. So it's useless in my work.

So for compile 64 app with DMD one must download dmd(~20 MB) and
install MSVS(~2 GB).
I think dmd should work out of the box isn't it ?

It's still the standard on the platform. Interoperation with other
libraries/code typically demands MSVC compatibility.
I don't know how any large-scale Windows developers can avoid this
practical reality?

On the plus side, there is a recent push to get Clang/LLVM properly
compatible with MSVC. When that happens, we should be able to rely on
Clang+LDC for all windows needs.

And what about other compilers ?
Latest LDC for example uses 064 frontend.

It's outdated for me because of bugs. I cannot ever compile my
app now with it.
With GDC it's alto difficult to get luck.

Poke the GDC/LDC guys? It would certainly be nice if those toolchains
were more reliably up-to-date, but the sad truth is, those who use
MinGW on windows are in the severe minority, so there's probably not
so much motivation.

LDC on MingW doesn't seem to support debugging at all, and that's because of a LLVM issue, not LDC, so it doesn't matter how much LDC is up to date or not. According to Kai, "LLVM on MinGW is not very well tested."

I had better hopes for GDC, and did poke the GDC guys (even put a bounty up - not that I think that amount of money would make any significant difference - it was more to show I really cared about this issue). But it seems GDC on Windows is not properly supported either (news://news.digitalmars.com:119/lkdnrr$j43$1...@digitalmars.com). It's not just an issue of build scripts and compiling binary releases, as I initially thought.

Like you said, those like me, who use MinGW on Windows seem to be a severe minority.

Having Clang/LLVM support MSVC toolchain would be great. And it would be *magnificent* if that included LLDB support! The reason I prefer MinGW on Windows is so that I can use a half-decent, open-source debugger.

Bruno Medeiros

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