Dmitry Olshansky:

It would be interesting if you could point to a precedent of expression-level attribute used for enforcing that compiler does elide bounds checking

Perhaps that's a little invention of mine :-)

In the last years I've seen that while optimizations are important, there are situations where you need to know if an optimization is done. Array bound checks removal is not able to change the code semantics like tail call optimization (TCO), but like forced inlining you sometimes want to be sure a small amount of lines of a numeric processing kernel doesn't waste run time verifying bounds.

(And if you are sure certain bound checks are not present, you have also verified that a part of the code doesn't raise array bound run-time errors. So it's also a code verification technique, that I think will become more common in the next years).

If you write a contract between the compiler and the programmer, and it fails (so the compiler is not able to remove all bound checks in a piece of D code inside the @bounded { ... }), then the programmer can add strongly typed indexes to help the compiler figure out at compile time the correctness of array accesses (strongly typed array indexes that I have discussed in a recent thread are indeed also useful for the compiler optimizations, they are not just to help avoid programmers bugs), or the programmer can add some asserts or change the code in other small ways to reach the same goal. Once such goal is reached, and your kernel computation is efficient, you don't care if in some cases in the rest of the code the D compiler is not able to remove all array bound checks. So only a small/certain percentage of the code is meant to go inside the braces of @bounded{...}. The alternative solution is to put the kernel into another module, and compile it separately with "-boundscheck=off". But this is less handy and it's less safe.

Generally I like ways to express a richer semantics in the code.


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