Michel Fortin Wrote:

> >> As you know, I tried to write some guidelines[1] for naming things in D.
> >> Those guidelines looks well at first glance, but then you look at Phobos
> >> and you see that half of it use some arbitrary naming rules. Take
> >> "writefln" for instance: following my guidelines (as they are currently
> >> written) it should be renamed to something like "writeFormattedLine".
> >> 
> >> [1]: http://prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?DProgrammingGuidelines>
> > 
> > I think that's a problem with the guidelines.  Anyone trying to turn D
> > into Java should be shot.  It's not clear what "fln" means, true...
> > until you look up ANY output function with a f, ln or fln suffix and
> > then it's obvious.
> Please, don't make unsupported accusations as an excuse to shoot 
> people. Instead, you should say what you dislike about Java and explain 
> why. (My guess is you find System.Out.println too long.)
> I'm tring to see how I can adapt the guidelines to accept this function 
> ("writefln") and I can't see any sensible rule I could add. Any idea?
> Alternatively, "writefln" could be an exception to the rules, but then 
> the exception would need a better rationale than "it shouldn't look 
> like Java". I mean, if Phobos makes unjustified exceptions to its 
> naming conventions here and there for no good other reason than "it 
> looks good", it breaks the concistency and makes function names less 
> predictable and less readable.
> But it'd be easier to rename the functions to fit the convention:
>       write     ->  write
>       writeln   ->  writeLine
>       writef    ->  writeFormat
>       writefln  ->  writeLineFormat
> That way, if someone writes logging functions one day that takes 
> formatted strings in the same way, he can reuse the convention:
>       log
>       logLine
>       logFormat
>       logLineFormat
> instead of "log", "logln", "logf", and "logfln". If you create a hash 
> function, you can reuse the pattern too:
>       hash
>       hashLine
>       hashFormat
>       hashLineFormat
> instead of "hash", "hashln", "hashf" and "hashfln". And it goes on.
> >> ...
> >> 
> >> What does everyone thinks about all this?
> > 
> > I think it's a good idea to have a good style guide; but rules only
> > exist to make you think once before you break them.  :)
> By "thinking twice" you should be able to come with a good 
> justification; and if you can't then you should follow the rules. 
> That's fine by me.

I think the real problem underlying the wish to use writefln versus 
writeFormatLine (or anything like that), is that C programmers are in the habit 
of using very short names.

But in my personal experience, most languages I use have a short formatted 
version of write..., probably because it is necessary many times. Although I 
agree that writefln, if adapted to the convention, should become 
writeFormatLine, I also understand the clumsiness of writing it.

As far as I know, writefln is with us for a very long time. But it doesn't say 
that it should or should not be changed. I think that no one has been given any 
thought to it.

I want to know: do we use writefln often, or is it just convenience, when 
writing out a something. I would imagine to have a formatter object that 
accepts a delegate which writes strings. I would as thus remove writefln, and 
just have the function write.

The formatter object could be reponsible to actually use it, for example:

Formatter.out(write, "%s%s", "Hello World", newline)

The function "write" can still be used to emit directly, such as:

write("Hello world\n")

I think this is the real problem of writefln. Not the convention, but the 

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