03-Jun-2014 11:35, Rainer Schuetze пишет:

more GC talk: the last couple of days, I've been experimenting with
implementing a concurrent GC on Windows inspired by Leandros CDGC.
Here's a report on my experiments:


tl;dr: there is a working(?) partially concurrent GC here:
but it eats a whole lot of memory.

I'm not sure if how it would perform but what about the following idea for COW snapshotting.

1. Don't use the separate process and shared view, use background thread.
2. Allocate heap space with MapViewOfFile, but private not shared.

During collection, creating a snapshot (during stop the world) as:

1. Make a new, read-write view of heap with MapViewOfFile, this is what background thread will use to scan memory.
2. Save base address of the original view, and unmap it.
3. MapViewOfFileEx with MAP_COPY and the old base address (that gives us back the same heap but in CoW mode).

... move on with application and let background thread do the marking.

Once marking is done, do stop the world and:

1. VirtualQuery (or QueryWorkingSetEx) over the application's CoW view of the heap. See the ranges of pages that have flipped to PAGE_READWRITE, those are the one modified and duplicated. If new allocation are served from it then it will include newly allocated stuff.
2. Copy these ranges of pages over to the normal read-write view.
3. Close CoW mapping (thereby freeing duplicates) and remap it again as r-w view on the same address with MapViewOfFileEx.

I wasn't able to get QueryWorkingSetEx to behave but I believe it must be a better way then VirtualQuery every page-range to death.

See the sketch of the idea here :


Dmitry Olshansky

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