On Friday, 18 April 2014 at 14:04:04 UTC, Aleksandar Ruzicic wrote:

I've been D enthusiast for couple of years now (but I do not participate much in discussions here, although I read forums almost daily), and I keep telling people about D and how awesome it is.

But, all this time D's official website somehow archaic look kept troubling me. It reminds me of early 2000's design and I really cannot associate this design with "modern" or "elegant", what D really is. I think that we must invest time and energy improving the website's look and feel as that is what people first coming to D will see. We need to strive for "wow" and not "meh" as a first impression.

So I have started this thread to see if there is a chance for complete redesign of dlang.org.

I have also tried to design something myself (although I'm not a designer) and this is what I came up with:


I'm not entirely satisfied with it but I believe that it looks better (or at least more modern) than the current design.

So, what do you guys think?

-- Aleksandar

[I haven't had time to follow the entire thread, but] I like the design, it's a good starting point. Especially the integration of the logo. Nice and clean. (The current logo is just too bulky and clumsy, imo*)

However, my experience tells me that we should wait with redesigning it until the technical issues/problems have been solved, e.g. the migration to vibe.d, which I'm in favor of (I've had good experiences with vibe.d so far), and the doc generation issue etc etc. Once that is out of the way, we can think about new designs. Yours is very nice and "modern". However, we also have to take mobile devices (tablets, smartphones) into account and see how we can adapt to these (different layouts or one for all?).

Another issue is that we don't have to jump on any bandwagon (every time the "fashion" changes), we can roll our own design, one that fits the community's and the language's needs, regardless of what is trendy or "modern" at any given time (don't imitate, innovate!).

My two cents anyway ...

*(D is already a bulky letter, so there shouldn't be much else on the logo)

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