Walter Bright wrote:
Under the hood, a T[new] will be a single pointer to a library defined type. This library defined type will likely contain three properties:

    size_t length;
    T* ptr;
    size_t capacity;

The usual array operations will work on T[new] as well as T[].

Would new T[10] allocate this structure and the array data on a single GC block, or on two separate blocks? And when the array is reallocated, will the structure move with it?

I suppose it depends on whether you want T[new] to be
(a) something whereby all references persist as the array is reallocated (b) merely a reference to an allocated array as opposed to an array slice

If (a), this is currently achievable with a T[]*.

If (b), what might work well is a structure like

    size_t length;
    size_t capacity;
    T[capacity] data;

meaning still only one allocation and only one level of indirection when one is used. And the T[new] variable itself would simply hold &data[0].

Moreover, would whatever happens solve such const/invariant holes as bug 2093?


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