Vladimir's talk on Dustmite is now up on Reddit. We ship Dustmite as part of the dmd distribution.

But it's a secret.

Just try to find out anything or any mention of Dustmite on dlang.org.

The idea "Build It, and They Will Come" is a stupid hollywood myth. We cannot go on with creating fantastic, revolutionary tools and then keep them a secret.

Dustmite is just one example of this, but it's on top of my head because I went looking for a link to it to go with the Reddit pointer to the video. It fits in quite nicely with my previous antics at discovering there were no links to gdc or ldc instructions, and no mention anywhere that to get gdc on Ubuntu, one only needs to type:

   sudo apt-get install gdc

All you guys building stuff - it's all WASTED EFFORT if you don't make it findable by users. /rant

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