On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 03:08:39PM -0400, Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d 
> On 7/11/2014 1:40 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> >That's not to say that Java, the language, (as opposed to the class
> >library or the marketing hype) isn't a pretty good language. In fact,
> >it's quite a beautiful language -- in the idealistic, ivory tower,
> >detached-from-real-life sense of being a perfect specimen suitable
> >for a museum piece. Its disconnect from the messy real world,
> >unfortunately, makes it rather painful to use in real-life.
> Yea, that's one of the things that drew me to D. It came around saying
> (quite literally) "pragmatic language design" at exactly the time I
> was noticing how much of a pain ideology-driven and minimalist
> languages can be.

If you really wanna go minimalist, there's BF... :-P

On the other extreme of pragmatism, Larry Wall claims that the reason
Perl is useful is because it's a mess, which maps well to the problem
space, which is also a mess, which we call reality. :-P  I *will* say
that at one point I was quite enamored of Perl, but nowadays I think it
goes a little *too* far in the pragmatism, and as a result is rather
messy to work with.

One of the big advantages of D was that it's so easy to use when what
you need is something simple, so I've been writing quite a lot of little
script-like helper programs nowadays in D where in the past I would have
used Perl. Unlike Perl, though, D also scales up nicely when what was
initially a simple problem grows into a more complex problem. In Perl,
there's this threshold of complexity below which it's pretty comfortable
to use, but once you pass that point, the seams start to burst and the
potholes start to appear, a common sign of which is the appearance of
deeply-nested data structures that leads to riddle-like code such as:

        ${a{b}{c}}->{$d->{e}}->{f} = ${g[h]{i}->{j}}->{k}[l]->{m};

along with the programming-by-convention that comes along with it.
Abstractions in Perl tend to be quite leaky, which is OK with write-once
throwaway-after scripts, but as the complexity of the program increases,
it becomes a source of frustration and hiding places for bugs.

In D, you simply leave the original script-like core as-is, then bring
in the proverbial big guns on top of it to deal with the growing
complexity, and the miracle is that the result is all nicely integrated
and water-tight. It's quite unlike any other programming language that
I've used before, in this respect.


Talk is cheap. Whining is actually free. -- Lars Wirzenius

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