On Friday, 11 July 2014 at 19:56:20 UTC, Chris wrote:
I don't mean to be pessimistic about D's goal of being usable by all, from scripting to systems, as D may actually be good enough to get there one day. I just think you're not going to get there without focusing on taking over a niche at a time, particularly the niche best suited to D right now, mobile.

A niche for a general purpose language?

Name one "general purpose language" that currently crosses the native->scripting divide and has good usage on both ends of the market. It doesn't exist, because it's almost impossible to do. Even if your goal is to be general purpose, you have to do it by taking on one niche at a time, which is even harder because you have to have your eye on staying general purpose the whole time. It's an extremely difficult balancing act, with one hand tied behind your back.

I think D could do it someday, but not the way the market is today. Right now, it's too easy for many developers to slap together a webapp on rails or django and then simply scale up their hardware when necessary. Maybe that all changes in the future and efficiency becomes more of a concern on the server, perhaps when the market matures, but we're not there yet.

In the meantime, mobile is where most new native development has moved, so D has to really hit that fertile ground. I also think big data could be big for D, Don mentioned D brought their costs down a lot in his DConf talk.

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