On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 14:43:13 UTC, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
The decision wasn't made by the Go authors, it was proposed and
initially implemented by users, then incorporated into Go by the
official high priests.

As to whether it is wise, that is must be left to opinion and history. Personally I like it. Good use of DVCS. It only works though because they gave up using Make for using the go command as a build manager associated with having a very strong source code filestore hierarchy

Sorry but I am tired of endless appeal to history / usage - by this logic Java and PHP are very good languages full of wisdom. And if someone thinks so we will have a hard time agreeing about anything.

Inertia will keep everyone using this feature with no complaints but problems remain : coupling compiler with rather complicated fetching/caching infrastructure, lack of centralized registry to verify contributions, version control. Regarding latter I find it quite telling that dub has recently banned usage of ~master as dependency version and only allows explicit tags/releases - good hygienic decision for growing ecosystem.

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