On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 15:03:13 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:

I can relate to this. I don't use classes much in D, but I find it frustrating that you need to reach to std.typecons.Rebindable for what I would consider to be a more common usage of const with classes.

It seems she laments the lack of both head-const in general and tail-const for classes. Head-const isn't really an issue, in my opinion, because it is rarely needed and easily obtained with existing language features:

    struct HeadConst(T)
        this(T value) { value_ = value; }
        alias get this;
        @property T get() { return value_; }
        T value_;

    HeadConst!MyClass obj = new MyClass;
    obj = new MyClass; // Error!

The lack of tail-const class references, on the other hand, is one of D's most severe shortcomings.

I really feel that a mutable reference to a const object should be expressible in the core language.

Michel Fortin once made a working pull request for DMD that introduced the syntax

    const(MyClass) ref thisIsRebindable = new MyClass;

Personally, I would prefer replacing the current object reference syntax with T$ (or T# if that conflicts with the current dollar operator), like this:

    Foo$ obj1 = new Foo;        // Rebindable and mutable
    const(Foo)$ obj2 = new Foo; // Rebindable but const
    const(Foo$) obj3 = new Foo; // Fully const

The current 'T' reference type would of course have to be accepted and equivalent to the 'T$' reference type for a long time before it is eventually deprecated.

Come to think of it, "new T" could return "T$" for non-class types too, where T$ would then act like a non-dereferentiable pointer on which it is not allowed to do pointer arithmetics.


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