On 7/14/14, 4:56 AM, Joakim wrote:
One line of thought that's been evolving for me lately is that D needs a
blog, where we can highlight good stuff about the language.  Go has one:


This post should go on D's:


I could see H.S. Teoh writing a series of such posts, expanding on each
of the bullet points.  Right now, he'll throw something off on the forum
and it'll get buried by all the posts on here, missed by most users.  A
blog is where such material could be highlighted.

We even have a D blog engine built on vibe.d that we could put to use:


I'd be happy to administer such a blog, if it's a matter of someone

I think some of Walter's Dr. Dobb's posts would also fit very well in a D blog format. It would be cool if he could get permission to post a copy on this hypothetical blog.

The current Articles section on the website may have some overlap with the purposes of a blog, too. Perhaps they could be merged somehow, or perhaps provide a "promotion" process from one to the other.

This blog idea (and offer to volunteer) probably deserves its own thread.

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