"Johannes Pfau"  wrote in message news:lq5pv1$2nfb$1...@digitalmars.com...

> The problem is not 'this feature is too complex', the problems is
> that it's more complex than necessary.

So what's necessary in this specific case?

Use intrinsics with a nice template wrapper. They get inlined, the unused function bodies get stripped, and the debug info/typeinfo is just as big a problem as it is for every other function in your program.

Intrinsics get us away from our current 'there is no portable way to do this' situation. They are _trivial_ to implement for any of the compilers. I have complete faith that it is possible to make a performant wrapper for both the single-register read/write and the struct pattern you posted. And if I'm wrong - we can add a volatile type modifier later!

I just don't see volatile pulling it's weight.

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