On 7/26/2014 4:42 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On the topic of professional growth, I was asked this week in a work meeting
what I think I can do for mine.... and I didn't really have an answer.

Maybe this is arrogant or whatever, but my view is that I'm kinda maxed out as a
programmer. Sure, there's a handful of specific things (like framework method
names) I don't know and some concepts I don't know the names of, but as for like
revolutionary new lessons, I don't think I've actually learned anything like
that directly related to programming for a pretty long time.

Then I was asked what about team dynamics and stuff... but even there, I've been
doing this a pretty long time now. You know what I spend most my time talking
about with my programming co-worker? Recipe swapping and church stuff. And I
don't mean D Cookbook recipes, i mean stuff like baking bread and pies. We're
both pretty good at our day jobs and tend to be on the same page on work related
stuff more often than not anyway.

Interestingly, I've been programming for 40 years, and I'm constantly learning new ways of programming. It's a combination of experience, changing hardware, and new ideas.

The Warp program I did for FB, for example, is pretty unlike anything I've written before in the way it's put together.

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