On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 at 00:50:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 8/3/2014 4:24 PM, Martin Krejcirik wrote:
Couldn't this new assert behaviour be introduced as a new optimization switch ? Say -Oassert ? It would be off by default and would work both
in debug and release mode.

It could, but every one of these:

1. doubles the time it takes to test dmd, it doesn't take many of these to render dmd untestable

2. adds confusion to most programmers as to what switch does what

3. adds complexity, i.e. bugs

If performance is not worth associated complexity, then it doesn't pull its weight.

4. interactions between optimization switches often exhibits emergent behavior - i.e. extremely hard to test for

Why do you think the emergent behavior is caused by interactions between switches, you think optimizations themselves don't interact? You said, it's factorial, is it a number of permutations of switches or a number of permutations of optimizations? Switches should not be sensitive to permutations.

On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 at 08:25:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
1. it's long with an unappealing hackish look

It's an established practice in D that unsafe features should look unappealing. Example: __gshared.

3. users will be faced with two kinds of asserts, with a subtle difference that is hard to explain, hard to remember which is which, and will most likely use inappropriately

Andrei already proposed `debug assert` - a safe flavor of (dangerous by default) assert. So two kinds of assert are inevitable and should be documented, because user should be informed about dangerous optimizations. But frankly "compiler will break your code" is not a subtle difference and can be easily explained in just 5 words.

And BTW why safe behavior must be invoked with an extra syntax? That goes against best D practices and hence surprising, confusing and counterintuitive.

I'll sum up with the old saw that any programming problem can be solved with another level of indirection. I submit a corollary that any language issue can be solved by adding another keyword or compiler flag. The (much) harder thing is to solve a problem with an elegant solution that does not involve new keywords/flags, and fits in naturally.

So what is this elegant solution? To break code silently in the worst possible way and selectively and exactly at the most critical points?

Another downside of assert being dangerous - you can't add it to code freely. Every assert can order the compiler to break the code, adding an assert becomes a difficult task, because the asserted expression (being assumed) begins to require a thorough future-proof environment-independent proof, which is very hard to come by: it needs to be an actual proof than just a guess, because the tradeoff is to be literally punished by death. Unittests don't provide such proof.

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