On 8/21/2014 3:35 PM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Destroy away! ;)

Thanks for taking this on! This is valuable work. On to destruction!

I'm looking at:


I anticipate this will be used a LOT and in very high speed demanding applications. With that in mind,

1. There's no mention of what will happen if it is passed malformed JSON strings. I presume an exception is thrown. Exceptions are both slow and consume GC memory. I suggest an alternative would be to emit an "Error" token instead; this would be much like how the UTF decoding algorithms emit a "replacement char" for invalid UTF sequences.

2. The escape sequenced strings presumably consume GC memory. This will be a problem for high performance code. I suggest either leaving them undecoded in the token stream, and letting higher level code decide what to do about them, or provide a hook that the user can override with his own allocation scheme.

If we don't make it possible to use std.json without invoking the GC, I believe the module will fail in the long term.

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