Am 26.08.2014 12:00, schrieb ketmar via Digitalmars-d:
On Tue, 26 Aug 2014 09:32:09 +0000
eles via Digitalmars-d <> wrote:

Are the drawbacks of JSON so big? Why to move away from it
i don't know too. i think that it's enough to add three features to
current json parser to be happy:
1. comments, both '//' and '/* */.
2. unquoted field names.
3. ignoring trailing commas.

ah, optional 4th feature: allow omiting highest-level curly brackets.

this additions will not break any existing json definitions, but allow
us to use some human-friendly features.

I agree. Those would be the points with most impacts. However, the outcome would be quite far away from standard JSON, so we would really be talking about something like ASON or SDL already.

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