31.08.2014 17:47, Dmitry Olshansky пишет:
Quite recently a lot of work has been done to make most of Phobos usable
in @safe code.

While a very welcome effort, it caused a number of doubts in particular
due to the boilerplate required to isolate a small amount of unsafe
operations and slap "@trusted" over it.

See e.g. Denis argument:

There were proposals for language changes along the lines of having
@trusted block alike to debug/version blocks, but nothing ever came out
of them.

Without language support I decided it worth a shot to create a universal
wrappers to establish a consistent convention. A use of such wrapper
should indicate that a @system function call or language feature was

Names and complete set of primitives are up for debate, but here is the


A bit of usage:

import core.stdc.string;
import trusted;

void main() @safe

     char[] msg = "Hello!".dup;
     char[] msg2 = msg;
     import trusted; // may also use static import for absolute clarity
     assert(call!memcmp(addrOf(msg[0]), addrOf(msg2[0]), msg.length) == 0);

What do you guys think?

The language works fine for me as it is in this aspect. E.g. functions from `std.file` like `read` should be marked as `@trusted` because this is what `@trusted` is for, a function operating unsafe stuff and providing a safe interface to it.

Currently the only problem is with templates like `std.array.Appender` when we want the compiler to infer attributes from user type and have to carefully wrap our code in `@trusted` blocks leaving calls to user code unwrapped.

Yes, my opinion here is the same as Daniel's one.

About related `std.file` pulls:

I wrote my original comment [1] to the pull because it blows the code size and reduce its readability by using `@trusted` nested functions (lambdas not used just because they currently can't be inlined, but it's silly as these functions work with disk and thus slow anyway).

This introduces a bad anti-pattern in the library and should be reverted. Just imagine a D newbie who just started leaning the language and is reading `std.file` module to see how easy can he use native API in D (e.g. I was such newbie). With all these pulls merged (current HEAD) he will be terrified of the code ugliness and either decide this is the only way to use native API in D (wrap every native function in `@trusted` nested function in `@safe` function) or will spend significant time discovering the history of this module and who is guilty in such bad design (e.g. I spend a lot of time when learned D because of `TypeTuple` used with expressions which completely confused me).

[1] https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/2465#issuecomment-53950146

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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