On Friday, 12 September 2014 at 08:50:17 UTC, po wrote:
But using modern C++11/14 + TBB it really isn't hard at all. It is fairly trivial to scale to N cores using a task based approach. Smart pointers are rarely used, most C++ stuff is done by value.

Strings too?

For instance, I work on a game engine, almost everything is either by value or unique.

The only stuff that is "shared" and thus is requires ref counting are external assets(shaders,models,sounds, some gpu resources). These objects are also closed, and thus incapable of circular references.

For closed external resources one can often figure out ownership and if it's done, you don't even need smart pointers, as you already know, where to destroy the object. The difficult task is to do it for all allocated memory everywhere. Duplication is certainly possible, but it kinda goes against efficiency.

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