Andrei Alexandrescu, el  2 de septiembre a las 14:39 me escribiste:
> I plan to add a Nullable struct to Phobos (akin to C#'s Nullable, Boost's 
> Optional).
> Apparently a good design is to define Optional!T with a minimum of member 
> functions (ideally none) and have it use the "alias this" feature to 
> masquerade as a 
> T. That way Optional!T looks and feels much like a T, except that it supports 
> a function
> bool isNull(T)(Optional!T value);
> Am I on the right track? If so, what is the name you'd prefer for this 
> artifact?

Maybe this is a very silly question, but what is exactly the difference
between Optional!T o/isNull(o) and T* o/o is null?

Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo:
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"Somos testigos de Jaimito, venimos a traer la salvación, el mundo va a
desaparecer, somos testigos de Jaimito!". Nos enyoguizamos... Así que
"somos testigos"? Te dejo el culo hecho un vino, y la conch'itumá, y la
        -- Sidharta Kiwi

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