Not my goal to bashing or not Stroustrup or to talk too much about C++ here, but I found this paper that deals a bit with allocators:

(not sure if already posted in the forum).

It criticizes quite heavily the new operator in C++.

It starts with:

These are some notes I have on C++'s operator new. Basically, I find its syntax downright hateful, and really wish the language had dealt more cleanly with allocation and construction. I wish one could pass around function pointers to constructors, give constructors knowledge of which memory allocators an object was allocated with, implement a robust debugging malloc, have safer per-class allocators, or per-class allocators that have access to constructor arguments. There do exist some slightly gross hacks for working around some of the problems. In the end, I show how to avoid using operator new at all. More general constructs in the language can achieve similar objectives with more flexibility. You may find the replacement allocator proposed here fairly disgusting. Just keep in mind that something far worse is built right into the language.

and concludes with:

When a programing language doesn't support some necessary operation, one shouldn't simply add new syntax for that specific operation. Instead, one should ask, "How can I ammend the language to make this operation implementable in a standard library?" The answer may be a much simpler, cleaner, and more powerful set of mechanisms than the one tailored for a specific problem.

C++ needed a way to perform type-safe memory allocation. Such a scheme could have been implemented entirely as a library function, given the right support. Such support might have included ways to infer whether classes have destructors at compile time, support for calling constructors directly and even taking their addresses, and more. These features might even have been useful in more contexts than memory allocation.

Instead, Stroustrup introduced operator new, a disgusting piece of syntax inadequate for the job. After many complaints, new's functionality was finally extended to include per-class operator new[] and placement new, still an imperfect solution.

Now, why I am interested in the topic: sometimes I feel like it's OK to let the GC manage the memory, but definitely I am not ready to give up the deterministic call of destructors. Scoping classes for that is kinda ugly if not by default (yes, biased opinion).

But, OTOH, maybe it is a confusion in my head that comes from the fact that "constructing" an object means both allocating and constructing, while "destructing" means both deallocating and destructing. I sometimes just feel that construction/destruction shall be separated form allocation/deallocation.

I am not sure about the impact on optimizations, but this will simplify delegating memory management to some memory manager of choice (I think).

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