On 9/24/2014 2:44 PM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
The fact there's only 23 doesn't really mean anything, they're all
major usability problems.
I feel like I'm back in the early 90's when trying to iterate on my D code.
These issues have proven to be the most likely to send my professional
friends/colleagues running upon initial contact with D.

Here's some more:

https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11902 **** MASSIVE NUISANCE
https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12163 **** MASSIVE NUISANCE
https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12244 **** MASSIVE NUISANCE

Thanks for tagging them.

The last 3 make debugging of anything but the simplest D code
practically impossible/pointless.

Aside from that though, this somewhat leads back to my second point,
which is that symdeb issues in the compiler aren't enough. It needs to
be taken wholistically.
Cooperation between the compiler and tooling devs need to be actively
engaged to fix many of these issues.

I'm sorry, but this is awfully vague and contains nothing actionable.

I suspect it's because I rely on far more C++ interop than the average
D user. I have half a decade of solid experience with D<->C++ interop,
perhaps more than anyone else here?
It's not 'all my code', but a sufficient quantity that it pops up and
bites me almost every day, particularly when I try and write any meta.

I still don't understand what use case is it that pops up every day. What are you trying to do? Why doesn't auto ref work?

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