On 9/24/2014 9:43 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
printf debugging FTW! :-P

There's more than that, but yeah. Most of my types I'll write a "pretty printer" for, and use that. No conceivable debugger can guess how I want to view my data.

For example, I can pretty-print an Expression as either a tree or in infix 

I don't agree with that. I think symbolic debuggers should be improved
so that they *can* become useful with high level abstractions. For
example, if debuggers could be made to understand templates and
compile-time constants, they could become much more useful than they are
today in debugging high-level code.

The fact that they aren't should be telling. Like maybe it's an intractable problem :-) sort of like debugging optimized code.

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