On Friday, 26 September 2014 at 07:24:48 UTC, po wrote:
 I watched it. None of what he said made much sense.
His claims:
1. RAII is bad because exceptions.
  -Nothing forces to use exceptions, so irrelevant
2. RAII is bad because you must write copy constructor,destructor etc each time.
  -No you write a few basic template classes and reuse them.

The way I interpreted him:

- He does not want exceptions.
- RAII makes most sense if you have exceptions.
- He want to share views to memory blocks without RC
- He needs debugging aids to resolve free() issues
- He does not want to write new classes to manage resources (not only memory, but shaders etc).
- Writing useful classes in C++ => tedious boilerplate.

He might not say it explicitly, but he seemed to assume people to hold those views. So that probably means he usually works with people who code in the same patterns.

-ran out of memory? Shut game down, this should not happen

On IOS or PNaCl you might have to accept that it may happen...

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