On 9/27/2014 4:55 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
My take on this, is that uncaught exceptions are a program bug.

Not to me. Custom messages would be better, but the exception message should be serviceable.

Uncaught exceptions (which ideally should only be Errors, not
Exceptions) are a program bug that ought to be fixed. In the case that
somehow one managed to elude your catch blocks, the full debug infodump
(source file, line number, stack trace) is useful for users to hand back
to you in a bug report, so that you can track down the problem. The user
should not be expected to understand the infodump from an uncaught
exception, whereas a message printed from a catch block ought to be
user-understandable (like "can't open 'myphoto.jpg': file not found",
not "internal error on line 12345" which makes no sense to a user).

Whoa, Camel! You're again thinking of Exceptions as a debugging tool.

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