On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 16:16:09 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 00:40:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Whoa, Camel! You're again thinking of Exceptions as a debugging tool.

They can be. What if an API you're using throws an exception you didn't expect, and therefore don't handle? This might be considered a logic error if the exception is recoverable and you don't intend the program to abort from that operation.

Also, I think the idea that a program is created and shipped to an end user is overly simplistic. In the server/cloud programming world, when an error occurs, the client who submitted the request will get a response appropriate for them and the system will also generate log information intended for people working on the system. So things like stack traces and assertion failure information is useful even for production software. Same with any critical system, as I'm sure you're aware. The systems are designed to handle failures in specific ways, but they also have to leave a breadcrumb trail so the underlying problem can be diagnosed and fixed. Internal testing is never perfect, and achieving a high coverage percentage is nearly impossible if the system wasn't designed from the ground up to be testable in such a way (mock frameworks and such).

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