On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 10:50:39AM -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 
> On 10/2/14, 8:23 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> >"A scope(exit) or scope(success) statement may not exit with a throw,
> >goto, break, continue, or return; nor may it be entered with a goto."
> Seems to me all these restrictions should be lifted. -- Andrei

Please don't. It will lead to pathological behaviour. For example:

        int func() {
                        return 1;
                return 0;

What does func() return? Better yet:

        int func() {
                        return 1;
                        return 2;
                return 0;

Worse yet:

        // What does this function do? What *should* it do??
        int func() {
                        throw new Exception("");
                        return 1;
                return 0;


        int func() {
                hahaha: scope(exit) goto hahaha;
                return 1;


        int func() {
                foreach (i; 0..10) {
                        scope(exit) break;
                        scope(exit) continue;
                        return i; // hahahahahaha
                return i;

And do we really want to get into this one:

        struct S {
                void opApply(scope void delegate(int) loopBody) {
                        foreach (i; 0..10) {
                                scope(success) continue;
                                auto rc = loopBody(i);
                                if (rc != 0)
                                        return rc; // ORLY?!
        void main() {
                foreach (i; S.init) {
                        scope(failure) continue; // what does this do?
                        throw new Exception("");


Береги платье снову, а здоровье смолоду. 

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