On 09/20/2014 05:39 AM, Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d wrote:
There was a recent video[1] by Jonathan Blow about what he would want in a programming language designed specifically for game development. Go, Rust, and D were mentioned and his reason for not wanting to use D is is that it is "too much like C++" although he does not really go into it much and it was a very small part of the video it still brings up some questions.

What I am curious is what are the worst parts of D? What sort of things would be done differently if we could start over or if we were designing a D3? I am not asking to try and bash D but because it is helpful to know what's bad as well as good.

I will start off...
GC by default is a big sore point that everyone brings up
"is" expressions are pretty wonky
Libraries could definitely be split up better

What do you think are the worst parts of D?

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH9VCN6UkyQ

The worst part of D is the limited libraries. This often causes me to choose Python instead, I'm sure it often causes others to choose Java or C++ or ...

Mind you, many of the libraries "sort of" exist, but they don't work well. This is a pity, because if there were, say, a decent wrapper for SQLite then there would be many more uses. (Yes, I know that the C interface code is included...that's why I picked that particular example.)

OTOH, it's not clear how to solve this, outside of convincing more people to spend time wrapping libraries. But I'm not the right person, because my prior attempts have ended up being half-hearted failure....also I don't really like the D template syntax. (For that matter I'm dubious about the entire "template" approach, though many people clearly find it reasonable.)

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