On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 16:06:04 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I'm confused. Why would anyone who just comes to dlang.org see unformed ideas and incomplete designs? Wouldn't newcomers be more attracted by e.g. stuff coming in the next release?

Because he is interested in language development direction but does not want to actively participate? It can be someone with bad early D experience wondering if anything has changed in last year. Or it can be developer from some company using D wanting to get quick overview what to expect from the language for the next year or so.

For example I don't have time to follow Rust mail lists or GitHub commits but I do read blog posts of its developers regularly (including speculative ones) to see where it is heading. It is both interesting and educating and helps to spread the image among wider audience as well.

The fact that you don't seem to have a consensus with Walter on some topic (auto-decoding, yeah) doesn't help either. Language marketing is
not about posting links on reddit, it is a very hard work of
communicating your vision so that it is clear even to random by-passer.

I think one good thing we can do is approach things in private before discussing them publicly.

Agreed. I don't propose to stop paying attention to forums or drop all discussions but to put a bit more efforts into popularizing resulting decisions and plans. So that someone can safely ignore some of discussions without fearing that it will surprisingly appear in next release catching one off guard.

We now have Martin Nowak as the point of contact.

And what if he gets busy too? :)

Maybe you'll volunteer.

I have already considered that and can be pretty sure this won't ever happen (at least not while this implies paying to Apple a single cent)

Let's get it straight - I don't care much about D success in general. It is a nice language to use here and there, I got an awesome job because of it but this is pretty much all the scope. There is no way I will ever work on something that is not needed to me only because it is important for language success in general.

This is pretty much the difference between language author / core developer and random contributor and why handling releases is safer in the hands of former.

No doubt its design could be done better. But inout was not motivated theoretically. It came from the practical need of not duplicating code over qualifiers.

I don't mean feature itself was "theoretical". I mean that it was implemented and released before it got at least some practical usage in live projects with relevant feedback and thus have missed some corner cases.

Sean proposed that. In fact that's a very good success story of sharing stuff for discussion sooner rather than later: he answered a Request For Comments with a great comment.

Well when I have initially asked the same question (why not user-controllable policies?) you straight out rejected it. I must be very bad at wording questions :(

Again: I don't have a complete design, that's why I'm asking for comments in the Request For Comments threads. Would you rather have me come up alone with a complete design and then show it to the community as a fait accompli? What part of "let's do this together" I need to clarify?

"let's do this together" implies agreeing on some base to further work on. When I come and see that proposed solution does not address a problem I have at all I can't do anything but ask "how is this supposed to address my problem?" because that is _your_ proposal and I am not gifted with telepathy. Especially because you have stated that previous proposal (range-fication) which did fix the issue _for me_ is not on the table anymore.

You risk balkanization by keeping the things as they are. We do have talks at work sometimes that simply forking the language may be a more practical approach than pushing necessary breaking changes upstream by the time D2 port is complete. Those are just talks of course and until porting is done it is all just speculations but it does indicate certain
level of unhappinness.

It would be terrific if Sociomantic would improve its communication with the community about their experience with D and their needs going forward.

How about someone starts paying attention to what Don posts? That could be an incredible start. I spend great deal of time both reading this NG (to be aware of what comes next) and writing (to express both personal and Sociomantic concerns) and have literally no idea what can be done to make communication more clear.

Have you ever considered starting a blog about your vision of D
development to communicate it better to wider audience? :)

Yah, apparently there's no shortage of ideas of things I should work on. Perhaps I should do the same. Dicebot, I think you should work on making exceptions refcounted :o).

As soon as it becomes a priority issue for me or Sociomantic (likely latter as I don't do much private D stuff anymore).

However your attempt to be sarcastic here does indicate that you have totally missed the point I was stressing in original comment. Writing a blog post once in a few months is hardly an effort comparable to reimplementing exceptions management but is much more important long term because no one but you can do it.

In this sense, yes, it is much more pragmatical to wait for someone like me to work on reference counted exceptions and for you to focus on communication instead. Worst thing that can happen is that nothing gets done which is still better than something unexpected and disruptive getting done.

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