On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 03:20:21 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Can we at least agree that Dicebot's request for having the behaviour of inadvisable constructs defined such that an implementation cannot randomly change behaviour and then have the developers close down the corresponding bugzilla issue because it was the user's fault anyway is not unreasonable by definition because the system will not reach a perfect state anyway, and then
retire this discussion?

I've been working with Dicebot behind the scenes to help resolve the particular issues with the code he's responsible for.

As for D, D cannot offer any guarantees about behavior after a program crash. Nor can any other language.

Just wanted to point out that resulting solution (== manually switching many of contracts to exceptions from asserts) to me is an unhappy workaround to deal with overly opinionated language and not actually a solution. I still consider this a problem.

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