On Saturday, 11 October 2014 at 03:39:10 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
I am not speaking about O(1) internal heap increases but O(1) GC.malloc calls Typical pattern is to encapsulate "temporary" buffer with the algorithm in a single class object and never release it, reusing with new incoming requests (wiping the buffer data each time). Such buffer quickly gets to the point where it is large enough to contain all algorithm temporaries for a single request and never touches GC from there.

In a well-written program which follows such pattern there are close to zero temporaries and GC only manages more persistent entities like cache elements.

I understand that. My argument is that the same should apply to the entire heap: After you've allocated and released a certain amount of objects via GC.malloc() and GC.free(), the heap will have grown to a size large enough that any subsequent allocations of temporary objects can be satisfied from the existing heap without triggering a collection, so that only the overhead of actual allocation and freeing should be relevant.

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