On 9/29/2014 3:00 AM, Szymon Gatner wrote:

recently there is much talk about extending C++ interop in D but it is unclear
to me what that means. Functions and virtual class methods are already callable.
What else is planned in the near future? Exceptions? Support for C++ templates?
(that seems difficult no?).

Currently, D supports C++:

* function calling
* name mangling
* namespaces
* templates
* member functions
* single inheritance
* basic types that exist in C++ but not D (like 'long')

Note that there are no plans to support C++ semantics - the D side will support only D semantic rules. SFINAE, Koenig lookup, etc., have no place in D.

C++ interop will require the user to be flexible on both the C++ and D side, and bluntly will require strong knowledge of D and C++ and how they work under the hood to be successful with it.

Probably the most tricky thing we're working on is interop with C++ exceptions.

Essentially, we're going to see how far we can push interop.

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