On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 02:56:09 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
As I like to say, this troika has inflicted a lot of damage on both FP and those beginning to learn it:

* Linear-space factorial
* Doubly exponential Fibonacci
* (Non)Quicksort

These losers appear with depressing frequency in FP introductory texts.

Be careful with that attitude. It is an excellent strategy to start with the simple implementation and then move on to other techniques in later chapters or more advanced texts.


Some compilers are even capable of adding memoization/caching behind the scenes which brings naive fibonacci down to O(n) with no change in the source.

Also, keep in mind that non-mutating quick sort has the same space/time complexity as the mutating variant. The non-mutating variant is no doubt faster on massively parallel hardware. You can do quicksort on GPUs.

The landscape of performance and complexity is not so simple these days.

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